昨天是星期六,一大早就有meeting,最讨厌了!更令人讨厌的是我们几个exec在meeting 中还要挨骂!近来的工作压力很大,但是幸好还算撑得住。听完一轮的狗屁之后,我和另外两位同事提早离开公司,到1Utama 去探看军情。其实,是依照吩咐去看看别本杂志办的roadshow。完毕之后,时候也不早了,平白就花了我整个星期六下午在工作上。后来,就和大伙儿到the curve 去大展歌喉。算一算,我上一次去唱k大约是三个多月前的事了。第一次和同事们去,感觉也不错。喊破了喉咙之后,就赶着到朋友家去bbq。对了,会是要赶着去是有原因的, 原本到6点的厢房结果是被我们霸占到7点多。所以,以小女人心态来看,我强力推荐朋友们到the curve 来唱k.。因为经过我们的分析,这里的厢房应该是没有其他地点的来得多人,所以我们才能平白多唱了1 个多小时。
去到朋友的家,吓了一跳。 原本以为是一个小型bbq, 竟然搞到还有自助餐!谈谈笑笑之后,捧着满肚子的食物就快乐的回家了。
今天早上起来感觉很好,因为知道今天终于可以无所事事地赖在家里。和家人去cheras吃了传说中好好吃的叉烧排骨面,其实也只不过是如此。回到家后,洗了从上个周末累积下来的衣服, 望着空空的laundry bag, 好有成就感哦!是时候要开始工作了。这个周末真命苦,还要把工作带回来家里做。可是,再想想,为什么自己要这么刻薄自己嘛,明天上班才算吧!虽然,最终敌不过懒虫的我还是没有工作,可是,心里还是不是很舒服,有点牵挂之余,也有点埋怨自己为何如此命苦,在周末还要担心工作。
很快的,3 集精彩的 “大长今”让我把什么都忘掉了。之后又是晚餐时间,在下雨天和家人到火锅店去围着暖暖的炉吃火锅,也真是再好不过的事了!
刚刚上网时才得知以前一位在学生时期打工时认识的朋友在上个星期四遇到交通意外。目前,伤势很严重,生死未卜。在车祸之时,整辆车还燃烧起来,所以目前他身上40%的皮肤都被严重烧伤。有人说,他没有现场身亡,已经算是奇迹。他们相信当时有股力量把他从车中救了出来,要不然整个人也一定会被烧成灰烬。认识他的朋友,都觉得这件事来得好突然, 更让人觉得世事无常。诚心为这位朋友祈祷,希望他可以快快度过危险时期,早日康复。也希望身边其他的朋友,每一天都要时时提醒自己小心驾驶。
昨天是星期六,一大早就有meeting,最讨厌了!更令人讨厌的是我们几个exec在meeting 中还要挨骂!近来的工作压力很大,但是幸好还算撑得住。听完一轮的狗屁之后,我和另外两位同事提早离开公司,到1Utama 去探看军情。其实,是依照吩咐去看看别本杂志办的roadshow。完毕之后,时候也不早了,平白就花了我整个星期六下午在工作上。后来,就和大伙儿到the curve 去大展歌喉。算一算,我上一次去唱k大约是三个多月前的事了。第一次和同事们去,感觉也不错。喊破了喉咙之后,就赶着到朋友家去bbq。对了,会是要赶着去是有原因的, 原本到6点的厢房结果是被我们霸占到7点多。所以,以小女人心态来看,我强力推荐朋友们到the curve 来唱k.。因为经过我们的分析,这里的厢房应该是没有其他地点的来得多人,所以我们才能平白多唱了1 个多小时。
去到朋友的家,吓了一跳。 原本以为是一个小型bbq, 竟然搞到还有自助餐!谈谈笑笑之后,捧着满肚子的食物就快乐的回家了。
今天早上起来感觉很好,因为知道今天终于可以无所事事地赖在家里。和家人去cheras吃了传说中好好吃的叉烧排骨面,其实也只不过是如此。回到家后,洗了从上个周末累积下来的衣服, 望着空空的laundry bag, 好有成就感哦!是时候要开始工作了。这个周末真命苦,还要把工作带回来家里做。可是,再想想,为什么自己要这么刻薄自己嘛,明天上班才算吧!虽然,最终敌不过懒虫的我还是没有工作,可是,心里还是不是很舒服,有点牵挂之余,也有点埋怨自己为何如此命苦,在周末还要担心工作。
很快的,3 集精彩的 “大长今”让我把什么都忘掉了。之后又是晚餐时间,在下雨天和家人到火锅店去围着暖暖的炉吃火锅,也真是再好不过的事了!
刚刚上网时才得知以前一位在学生时期打工时认识的朋友在上个星期四遇到交通意外。目前,伤势很严重,生死未卜。在车祸之时,整辆车还燃烧起来,所以目前他身上40%的皮肤都被严重烧伤。有人说,他没有现场身亡,已经算是奇迹。他们相信当时有股力量把他从车中救了出来,要不然整个人也一定会被烧成灰烬。认识他的朋友,都觉得这件事来得好突然, 更让人觉得世事无常。诚心为这位朋友祈祷,希望他可以快快度过危险时期,早日康复。也希望身边其他的朋友,每一天都要时时提醒自己小心驾驶。
1 comment:
='Brand New News From The Timber Industry!!'=
========Latest Profile==========
Energy & Asset Technology, Inc. (EGTY)
Current Price $0.15
Recognize this undiscovered gem which is poised to jump!!
Please read the following Announcement in its Entierty and
Consider the Possibilities�
Watch this One to Trade!
Because, EGTY has secured the global rights to market
genetically enhanced fast growing, hard-wood trees!
EGTY trading volume is beginning to surge with landslide Announcement.
The value of this Stock appears poised for growth! This one will not
remain on the ground floor for long.
KEEP READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Energy and Asset Technology, Inc. (EGTY) owns a global license to market
the genetically enhanced Global Cedar growth trees, with plans to
REVOLUTIONIZE the forest-timber industry.
These newly enhanced Global Cedar trees require only 9-12 years of growth before they can
be harvested for lumber, whereas worldwide growth time for lumber is 30-50 years.
Other than growing at an astonishing rate, the Global Cedar has a number of other benefits.
Its natural elements make it resistant to termites, and the lack of oils and sap found in the wood
make it resistant to forest fire, ensuring higher returns on investments.
The wood is very lightweight and strong, lighter than Poplar and over twice
as strong as Balsa, which makes it great for construction. It also has
the unique ability to regrow itself from the stump, minimizing the land and
time to replant and develop new root systems.
Based on current resources and agreements, EGTY projects revenues of $140 Million
with an approximate profit margin of 40% for each 9-year cycle. With anticipated
growth, EGTY is expected to challenge Deltic Timber Corp. during its initial 9-year cycle.
Deltic Timber Corp. currently trades at over $38.00 a share with about $153 Million in revenues.
As the reputation and demand for the Global Cedar tree continues to grow around the world
EGTY believes additional multi-million dollar agreements will be forthcoming. The Global Cedar nursery has produced
about 100,000 infant plants and is developing a production growth target of 250,000 infant plants per month.
Energy and Asset Technology is currently in negotiations with land and business owners in New Zealand,
Greece and Malaysia regarding the purchase of their popular and profitable fast growing infant tree plants.
Inquiries from the governments of Brazil and Ecuador are also being evaluated.
The examples above show the Awesome, Earning Potential of little
known Companies That Explode onto Investor�s Radar Screens.
This stock will not be a Secret for long. Then You May Feel the Desire to Act Right
Now! And Please Watch This One Trade!!
All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such.
We may own, take position and sell any securities mentioned at any time. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect
to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are
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statements." forward, looking statements are based on expectations, estimates
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or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. This newsletter was paid $3,000 from third party (IR Marketing).
Forward, looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as: "projects", "foresee", "expects". in compliance with Section 17. {b), we disclose the holding of EGTY shares prior to the publication of this report. Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares. Shares may be sold at any time, even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company. Since we own shares, there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions. Readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward, looking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and expectations involving various risks and uncertainties that could cause results to
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with buying or selling stocks, penny stocks are very high risk and you can lose your entire investment.
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