Monday, May 30, 2005


昨晚看到你的blog知道你就职成功,很替你感到高兴!这真是天大的好消息!希望这是你在日本大展拳脚的好开始。从你近来的文字里得知你在日本的生活过得称心如意, 一切都是顺顺利利,真是替你感到高兴。为你已找到的幸福与快乐干杯!

p/s: 不知道是什么原因无法看到你的blog里的留言板,所以就特地拓了个版位给你。这也代表我的祝福有多么的有诚意哦!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

BIG Joke!

I went out on the Tuesday night. This is very unusual as I hardly go out on a weekday night. But there is a friend down in town for some training courses. Thus, all of us decided to have a ice cream cum catch up session at Baskin Robbins USJ. My eyes nearly popped out when I know the venue to meet up! Thank you Julean, for coming all the way to pick me up, if not I would have stayed at home instead of driving there by myself.(though I guess u have no choice :P)
Guess what? Although everyone except me has a cool camera phone, or even pocket pc...... there was a serious miscommunication among us!!! We left out the friend who is down in town, and none of us call to confirm tonight's meeting with him!!!! Gosh!! He stays in Shah Alam, and no one has any idea where is the place.
It was really a BIG JOKE! After passing the phones around, talked to the friend ho refuse to take a cab to come to USJ, we decided to make it as a casual catch up session among us. As it has been a while since we last met, it was a good one. After Baskin Robbins, we head down to another HORRIBLE Hong Kong style "cha chan teng" to continue. The service, environment and the drinks were bad, but we did have a good time.
I think that was a night worth to sacrifice some sleep and meet up with these sweet friends.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Longing for Vacation!!!

I'm longing for a vacation. Not necessary a long vacation that I have to take a flight to get there. Even a near destination will do. It has been long since my last holiday. It was last year March when I went to Singapore with my family. But that wasn’t really what I would call as “vacation”. So even the trip before was the one I went to Gold Coast with the girls. It was a good one! I miss the beaches, sun, and the bikinis!!
My sis is going to Tioman next week. Huoy is going to Redang next week. My colleague is going to Hong Kong next week. I’m going to work as usual next week. A short check list came cross my mind when I think of planning for MY next holiday:
1. sufficient cash (do not need much for an island trip)
2. few days leave (not a problem after my 3-month probation)
3. good company (this is probably the most difficult part)
When will be my next holiday??!!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

I'm back!

Finally I get to update my blog! This round it has nothing to do with my laziness. It was due to the bloody virus I got from my MSN messenger! The bloody virus made me could not log into any of the page which require me to access with a password. So you can imagine how I live through the days without checking my mails, updating my blogs and going into my friendster. Anyway, it’s all gone now! *Thanks to this kind friend of mine to spare your precious time to fix it for me :) *

Here goes my statistic sheet to summarise my recent life:

1. Days since last update my blog: countless
2. Days at my new job: 30 days (time flies!)

3. Proposals done: 8 (so not productive)
4. Media order received: 0 (yes, it’s a big fat zero!! No business in yet)
5. Nasty person met at work: 0 (lucky me)
6. Nice person met at work: all my colleagues and some media people from the agency
7. Product launching attended: 3 (the most interesting one would be the BMW launch. A good eye opener and bumped into an old friend that almost lost touch!)

8. Shopping trips done: 2
9. Items purchased in the recent trip: 1 (yes! I really NEED a mascara!)

10. Social life: …… (if I could quantify my social life, I would put ZERO)
11. Pheromone produced: 0
12. Pheromone level: negative level (it does explain the big fat zero under my social life column right?)

It does not look like an interesting statistic sheet at all. But it does reflect my recent days. Erm, look forward to more interesting days ahead!